Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Asking for Forgiveness: Risky Yet Rewarding

Some of you may remember Happy Days with the lovable and cool Fonz. "The Fonz" could do just about anything except admit that he was wrong. When he tried the word would barely come out of his mouth.

It's funny how we like characters that are at least a little like us. "The Fonz" was not the only one who has trouble admitting wrong or asking for forgiveness. Why is this? I think that this quote from Paul Tripp nails it.

Asking for forgiveness is so hard because of what it says about life and what it says about me. You cannot ask for forgiveness without acknowledging that there is something in life that is more important than the progress of your own kingdom. You cannot seek forgiveness without owning the fact that you were created for the glory of another. You cannot make honest, humble confession without acknowledging that there are more important things in life than getting your own way and being happy. You cannot admit wrong without being hit with the fact that there are bigger things in life than how you feel about how you feel. You see, it's our sturdy allegiance to our own kingdom that makes us unwilling to confess that we have gotten in the way of God's kingdom on earth (A Quest For More, 156-157)

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