Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lessons in a Leaf Pile

The yard was a sea of colors. Just a few days ago there was grass; now all we could see was a leaves, leaves, and more leaves. In classic Shane fashion, I scheduled a time to clean them up and clean we did. It was a team effort--all five Arnold racking and bagging. (Really it was 4.5. After all how much can a 2 year old really do on leaf day). I was hip deep in leaves when I noticed that my wedding band was gone. It had been too big for the last few years, but now it was gone. Instantly I was on my hands and knees searching for the lost ring. At that moment I did not care about leaves, mud, or anything else. All I knew was that I wanted that ring. Sadly, my ring is gone--swallowed in the abyss never to return.

I did, however, find hope and challenge in this event. I found hope the next day when I reflected on the event. Actually, reflected is the nice word; whining and fussing are the right words. I thought how Jesus sought me. Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. That meant He left the glory of heaven and dirtied himself with the mud of this world in search for me. But unlike my unsuccessful search He was most successful--pulling me from the muck and mire, bringing me to God.

I found challenge when I thought of what he demands of me. Jesus said as the Father sent Him so He sends me. He calls me to dirty my hands and change my schedule to be a part of his redemptive plan.

God help me to remember this. I am both loved and sent by God. These lessons from the leaf pile hurt. But I hope they will last a life time.

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