Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Think I Know Why I am Tired

I was helping my dad clean the leaves out of his yard. Seeing a lawnmower in action, my youngest son ran out to help. Up to this point the job was fairly easy and productive. Then Lucas climbed aboard. Suddenly an easy joy got noticeably harder. I turned right; he tired to turn left. I turned left; he tried to turn right. When we got finished I was tired, because a lawnmower was not made for two pilots.

Then it hit me: what is true for a lawnmower is--on some level--true for my life. My life was not made for two pilots but for one. I was created to worship and serve God. Thus my life works best when one is in charge. While I know this I often fight it. God says zig but I zag. As a result, I am worn out.

The good news is God calls me to rest. God calls me to submit to his rule and follow his ways. He calls me from the futility of building up my kingdom to the joy of participating in the up building of his. That is what Jesus means when he issues the invitation, "Come unto me all who are weak and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart. And you will find REST for your souls (Matt. 11:28ff.). So here's the choice: run our lives our way and feel the exhaustion of working against my creator or submit to his rule and find rest for our souls. Choice wisely.

I think I know why I am tired, but I won't be for long!

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