Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Quest for More: Part 2

We have all seen it happen. The box under the tree contains the exact toy that the kid wanted. It was carefully chose, wrapped, and placed for their joy. You giggle as they open it, imagining what fun they will have. A few moments later, however, you are agitated as they child leaves the toy to play with the box. Somehow the child concludes that there is more fun in the empty box than with the toy. In some unknown language the box calls and the child answers. But boxes do not last long. They soon break and become useless, and if the child has not discovered joy of the real gift, you are in for a long day.

In a small way, sin works that way in our lives. It promises big and delivers small. Satan is a master deceiver. From the first sin in the garden to your last sin today, he holds out promises of freedom, joy, and power. He entices us to forsake knowing God for passing pleasure of a moment. Satan promises god-like power, but leads us to death-like chains.

Unfortunately, we settle for the small promises of sin in all sorts of mundane ways. One effect is a loss of the joy and purpose for which we are created. One challenge we all face, is discovering the ways we are duped into a pursuit of what is less, to repent and forsake its suicidal path, and to return to God with the promise of the gospel. Then and only then will we be on a true quest for More.

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