Monday, July 20, 2009

A Quest for More: Part 3

Sin is a big deal--a really big one. We often do not see it that way. We look at the fall as a misdemeanor rather than treason, but the Bible will not let us off the hook. Because Adam and Eve's fall humanity is comprehensively affected and depraved, families struggle and split, creation groans, and society always seems to totter on the brink of destruction.

But that is exactly what we fail to see. Our sin shrinks our concern to only those things that affect me in this moment., and our world shrinks to our own kingdom. It is not until we see the holistic, biblical picture of the effects of sin that our concern expands into kingdom concern. That is the emphasis in chapter 3. Trip notes, "If the glory of God is reflected in all of creation, if the effects of sin reach to all of creation, and if the goal of redemption is to restore all of creation, then what should you and I care about? Everything (45)!"

When our God is too small, our sin is no big deal. When sin is no big deal, our mission is a matter of preference. When our mission is a matter of preference, love loses its nerve. So let us see the holistic, biblical portrait of sin and marvel at the massive victory of Chris over it.

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